Enrolment Form – Terms & Conditions
Enrolments Procedure
- Complete the Application Form and return it to our Head Office or email us at info@homeworkhub.ie
- A member of our management team will contact the parent to confirm availability on receipt of the application form. In addition, parents are required to pay a deposit of €50 to secure the childcare place.
- Children with special needs and/or disabilities are welcome at Homework Hub, an up to date assessment form should be attached to the child’s application form.
Payment Procedure and Terms & Conditions
- Weekly set payments are made by direct debit on the Monday of each week regardless of absences due to illness etc.
- When transferring payment please ensure it includes your family name and week commencing e.g. Murphy family 02/09.
- The following weeks are not charged for unless children are in attendance Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Summer holidays.
- If cover is required for school holiday weeks places must be booked in advance. These fees are on a pay as you go basis.
- Should days need to be reduced/added on, Homework Hub will need to be informed one month in advance.
- Two weeks written notice is required should a parent wish to remove a child from Homework Hub.